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Hey` everybody!:)Here is Jasmine
P.S:u can tell me Jasmi`:D or Jasmine:)
`i was born in Stratford Ontario 1994,my friends told me about that site!:)If you wanna know more about me just contact me!:)
So girls and boys ! don`t worry now i`m here....
I just love my friends<3

With all my love,

Love y'a with all my heart:P<3
Hearts just for you(L)
Hearts just for you(L)

Comments • 11

BluesSmile 21 July 2010  
xAvrilzzLavigne 25 June 2010  
LoveJustinDrewBieber 25 June 2010  
Hey'a Jasmine!Tell me something: do you want to be my friend?:)`cause i love u:)
XoJasminePeace 25 June 2010  
hey`:)and yeah i want:)and i love u too:P
anonim:P 25 June 2010  
Hey`a:)i love u!i'm you're fan!:)and i'm a boy:D....i have a question: do you want to be my grilfriend?:)Please say yeah!:X`cause i love u very much my jasmi!(K)(L)
XoJasminePeace 25 June 2010  
Hey`Thank you:)and nooop but i want to be you're friend:P And me too!:)
CaitlinBandJustinBfan 25 June 2010  
hey babzz nice to met yaa i know justin too i was at a lot of his concerts :X:X:X and is awsome
XoJasminePeace 25 June 2010  
Hey`:)Nice to meet y'a too:P

`xo jasmine peace<3:P`
SelenaSellyx 25 June 2010  
Hello <3333333
Maddie` 25 June 2010  
Awwwww,i love y'a very much!
MeMilzPeace 25 June 2010  
Hi ya
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